(208) 321-4790
8854 W. Emerald Suite 140, Boise, ID 83704 Click For Directions
Hidradenitis suppurativa are small, painful lumps that result from skin rubbing in areas like the buttocks, groin, breast, and armpits. The lumps can take a long time to heal. They then recur and cause tunnels and scarring under the skin.
The condition usually starts during puberty and can persist for many years, worsening over time. It can lead to severe effects on your daily life and well-being.
Hidradenitis suppurativa can affect several areas of the body. The symptoms include:
This condition commonly occurs when hair follicles experience blockage, though the exact reason for this is not medically proven yet. Experts suspect it could happen because of cigarette smoking, genetic predisposition, hormones, or excess weight, but not because of uncleanliness.
Risk factors include:
When Hidradenitis suppurativa is persistent, it can lead to:
The exact cause of the condition is still being studied, meaning there's no known way to prevent it. However, they recommend doing the following to reduce the symptoms
While there's no known cure for the condition, early diagnosis and treatment can prevent its progression. Medications like antibiotics, corticosteroids, adalimumab, and retinoids could potentially offer some relief. In severe cases, surgical procedures may be necessary. These include:
If you have the symptoms of a hidradenitis suppurativa and are interested in the powerful treatments available, consider scheduling a consultation with an experienced general surgeon like Dr. Daniel Gay, who has successfully performed hundreds minor operations with great results. He offers individualized attention to all of his patients while emphasizing health education. Submit a contact form or call (208) 321-4790 today to make an appointment!
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